

Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country at Australian continent on the southern hemisphere.

Although Australia is not a European country, players who started their career in Australia count as E imports.

Players[edit | edit source]

2025 season[edit | edit source]

Team Player Country
Hamburg Sea Devils Harrison Hobson 🇦🇺 
Helvetic Mercenaries Tom Hodgkinson 🇦🇺 
Madrid Bravos Brendan Oswin 🇦🇺 
Panthers Wrocław Jordan Scanlan 🇦🇺 

2024 season[edit | edit source]

Team Player Country
Cologne Centurions Harrison Hobson 🇦🇺 
Cologne Centurions Moritz Hienleder 🇩🇪 🇦🇺 
Paris Musketeers Jack Loew 🇦🇺 

2023 season[edit | edit source]

Team Player Country
Barcelona Dragons Sam Higgins 🇦🇺 HG
Cologne Centurions Joel Maddock 🇦🇺
Munich Ravens Blake King 🇦🇺
Paris Musketeers Jack Loew 🇦🇺

2022 season[edit | edit source]

2021 season[edit | edit source]

Team Player Country
Barcelona Dragons Chris Manser 🇦🇺
Leipzig Kings Jacob Templar AUS