Talk:ELF Various Statistics


Score difference graphs[edit source]

Would be nice to see score difference graphs, i.e. X: difference in points, Y: number of games for regular seasons. Also "blurred", so that you could see the curve. This would illustrate how widespread blowouts are in the league and if there is any improvement or worsening in this regard from year to year. --Popsicle (talk) 20:42, 20 September 2024 (CEST)

I posted something like it a while ago, see: --Krypt (talk) 07:02, 21 September 2024 (CEST)
Good enough, shows that competetiveness level was really bad this season, just as it felt. (Hopefully it's because the best teams becoming better; but I cannot tell, as I didn't watch the previous seasons.) Can you maybe copy it into the wiki? Or, even better, make the bot updating the scorigami also handle this.
Another metric to assess competeiveness might be percentage of 1:1 scores in home-and-away pairs. In a "perfect league" where every team is equally strong, this should be close to 50% (each game is like a fair coin toss as far as just the winner is concerned). If the homefield advantage is large, it could be even larger than 50%: both teams will be more likely to win at home, yielding 1:1 even more often. In a league where every team is either strictly stronger or strictly weaker than its opponent, it will be 0% (all pairs will yield either 2:0 or 0:2 results). This should be even easier to have calculated and updated by a bot: it's just a single number with simple calculation rules. --Popsicle (talk) 18:43, 21 September 2024 (CEST)